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JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square

Shanghai, Shanghai

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Hotel Overview

No 500 Xizang Middle Road, Shanghai

About JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square

Conveniently located in the Huangpu district of Shanghai, JI Hotel(Shanghai People's Square Hotel) is set 300 metres from Pedestrian Street of East Nanjing Rd., 1.4 km from People's Square and 2.9 km from Yu Garden. The property is around 3.

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Check-in 14:00
Check-out 12:00

Facility Information

Usage of subsidiary facilities may incur additional fees


  • 24-hour front desk

Frequently Asked Questions

JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square does not offer free wifi. Find out more details about JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square

After reservation, you can request early check-in and/or late checkout directly through the hotel. However, please note that additional fees may be charged to process your request and that the amount

Parking is not available at JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square. Find out more details about JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square

The banquet hall is not available at JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square. Find out more details about JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square

Pet Friendly offers the following in-room amenities for guests: JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square. Find out more details about JI Hotel Shanghai People's Square