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Where to stay in Ravda

More About Ravda

Ravda (Bulgarian: Равда) is a coastal village and seaside resort in southeastern Bulgaria, situated in Nesebar municipality, Burgas Province. Ravda is a small seaside resort on the Black Sea, located 3 km from Nesebar and 5 km from Sunny Beach. 30 km from Bourgas airport. The position on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast provides for the nice weather, quietness and calmness of a country village and the proximity to the attractive resorts Nesebar(world heritage site) and Sunny Beach offers plenty of attractions and entertainment possibilities. Ravda has ecologically clean air and water because the resort is far from the big cities and industrial zones. There are no dangerous species such as sharks, poisonous jelly-fish, scorpions, killer snakes, venomous spiders, or flies. The average monthly temperature during the summer is 22°C (71°F). Ravda's beaches have fine sand, sunshades are provided for the tourists and there are qualified lifeguards on duty. The cafes and bars near the seaside offer refreshing drinks. There are several big hotels in Ravda and many private rooms and small family hotels, as well as a great number of restaurants, taverns, and disco clubs. There are regular bus lines to the other resorts in the area — every 30 minutes to Burgas and every 20 minutes to Sunny Beach and Nesebar. Ravda's postal code is 8238, the telephone area code is +(359) 554, where (359) is the country code. As of 2005 the village has a population of 1,745 and the mayor is Lyubomir Damenliev. It lies at 42°39′N 27°41′E, at sea level.
timezone Time UTC+03
currency Currency BGN
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Bulgarian, Turkish, Roma

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Ravda are Hotel Astra Ravda, Peter Hotel, Aparthotel Villa Livia.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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