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Where to stay in Phan Thiet

More About Phan Thiet

Phan Thiết (Vietnamese: [fan.tʰíət] ( listen)) is the capital of Bình Thuận Province, on the coast in Vietnam, where all government offices for the province are located. While most of the inhabitants live in the city center, the others live in the four urban coastal wards, extending from Suoi Nuoc beach in the northeast towards cape Ke Ga in the southwest. Traditionally, fishing and manufacturing of fish sauce has been the main source of Phan Thiết's income thus far, the picturesque fishing fleet in the harbor colorful proof. Drawn by the beautiful beaches of the area, tourism is rapidly replacing the fish industry as the main employer. The first resorts along the beaches of Hung Long and Phu Thuy wards, as well as Phu Hai and Ham Tien wards east of the city center appeared in the mid-nineties. Since then, tourism has boomed and hundreds of hotels, restaurants, resorts, guesthouses and shops have been constructed along the coastline. Rang Beach in Ham Tien ward was discovered by foreigners in 1995, while they watched the solar eclipse. Misled by guidebooks, which incorrectly labelled Rang Beach as "Mui Ne Beach", they were the first of a long row of tourists mistakenly calling everything east of the city center Mui Ne.Each area of Phan Thiết has its own characteristics. The beaches of Ke Ga and Tien Thanh are peaceful and quiet, inviting tourists to swim and relax. There is not much traffic on the roads along the coastline, so walking or riding along the beach is quite peaceful. Compared to Nha Trang, the density of resorts along the beaches of the city center in Phan Thiết is quite low, so when tourists leave their hotels, they step into the middle of the bustling daily life of a Vietnamese city. You can walk to many restaurants, museums or shopping malls – even visit the school where Ho Chi Minh taught before he went to study in Paris. Phu Hai ward covers a hilly area along the coastline and has many small beaches and hidden coves. Many of the resorts in this ward
timezone Time UTC+07
currency Currency VND
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese, Khmer

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