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Where to stay in Phu Quoc

More About Phu Quoc

“A hip white beach in Vietnam”

Phú Quốc (Vietnamese: [fǔ wək]), is the largest island in Vietnam. Phú Quốc and nearby islands, along with distant Thổ Chu Islands, is part of Kiên Giang Province as Phú Quốc District, the island has a total area of 574 square kilometres (222 sq mi) and a permanent population of approximately 103,000. Located in the Gulf of Thailand, the district of Phú Quốc includes the island proper and 21 smaller islets. Dương Đông town, is located on the west coast, and is also the administrative and largest town on the island. The other township is An Thoi on the southern tip of the island. The economy is centred on fishing, agriculture and a fast-growing tourism sector. Phu Quoc has achieved fast economic growth due to its current tourism boom. Many infrastructure projects have been carried out, including several five-star hotels and resorts. Phu Quoc International Airport is the hub connecting Phú Quốc with mainland Vietnam and other international destinations. From March 2014, Vietnam allows all foreign tourists to visit Phú Quốc visa-free for a period of up to 30 days. By 2017, the government of Vietnam is planning to set up a Special Administrative Region which covers Phu Quoc Island and peripheral islets and upgrades it to a provincial city with special administration.
timezone Time UTC+07
currency Currency VND
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese, Khmer

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