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Staypia, lowest hotel prices
available updated by AI

How do we offer
the lowest prices available?

AI-powered Service

AI-powered Service

We use AI(Artificial Intelligence) to collect the
prices of over 3.16 million hotels. We provide
the lowest price to our users by saving on
administrative costs through service

Social Discount System

Social Discount System

Staypia is implementing a social discount
system, which means we offer more benefits
to our users as the number of Staypia
members grows!

Frequently Asked Questions

With the help of AI powered automation, we are able to reduce operating costs and offer the savings back to our members as price discounts. Embrace the chance to enjoy the lowest prices of more than 3.15 million hotels. Receive membership discounts offered only at Staypia. Only signed up members can reserve the best hotels worldwide at the special price that Staypia offers.

Staypia Membership Pricing refers to the exclusive hotel prices that are only offered to members with a free sign up. Staypia members are able to reserve 3.15 million hotels at the lowest prices and also receive extra discounts depending on the hotel.

Staypia compares hotel reservation services from around the world, and helps you find the lowest prices for 3.15 million hotels.

•Staypia, | Mon-Fri 09:30 ~ 18:00

•AGODA, / 02-6022-2443 | Mon-Fri 09:00 ~ 21:45 / Sat-Sun 09:00 ~ 17:45

•HOTELS.COM, / 02-3480-0145 | Mon-Sun 09:00 ~ 21:00

•BOOKING.COM, / 02-3483-3225 | 24/7

•EXPEDIA, / 02-3480-0118 | Mon-Sun 09:00 ~ 19:00

•TRIP.COM, / 1666-0060 | 24/7

81-50-5213-4769 | Mon-Sun 09:00 ~ 19:00

81-3-5960-8629 | Mon-Sun 09:00 ~ 21:00