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Where to stay in Yogyakarta

More About Yogyakarta

“A historical city of ancient Javanese civilization”

Yogyakarta (; also Jogjakarta or Jogja; Javanese: ꦔꦪꦺꦴꦒꦾꦏꦂꦠ; formerly Dutch: Djokjakarta/Djocjakarta or Djokja) is a city on the island of Java in Indonesia. As the only Indonesian royal city still ruled by a monarchy, Yogyakarta is regarded as an important centre for classical Javanese fine arts and culture such as ballet, batik textiles, drama, literature, music, poetry, silversmithing, visual arts, and wayang puppetry. Renowned as a centre of Indonesian education, Yogyakarta is home to a large student population and dozens of schools and universities, including Gadjah Mada University, the country's largest institute of higher education and one of its most prestigious.Yogyakarta is the capital of the Yogyakarta Special Region and served as the Indonesian capital from 1946 to 1948 during the Indonesian National Revolution, with Gedung Agung as the president's office. One of the districts in southeastern Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1587 and 1613. The city's population was 422,732 inhabitants at the 2017 census. Its built-up area was home to 4,010,436 inhabitants, which includes Magelang and 65 districts across Sleman, Klaten, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Magelang regencies. Yogyakarta-Magelang and Surakarta are being agglomerated within several years. At 0.837, Yogyakarta has one of the highest HDI within Indonesia, with which it is considered a "developed" city.
timezone Time UTC+07
currency Currency IDR
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages BahasaIndonesia, English, Dutch, Javanese

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