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Where to stay in Torshavn

More About Torshavn

Tórshavn (Faroese: [ˈtʰɔuʂhaʊn]; lit. 'Thor's harbour'; Danish: Thorshavn, pronounced [ˈtoɐ̯ˀshɑwˀn]) is the capital and largest town of the Faroe Islands. Tórshavn is in the southern part on the east coast of Streymoy. To the northwest of the city lies the 347-meter-high (1,138 ft) mountain Húsareyn, and to the southwest, the 350-meter-high (1,150 ft) Kirkjubøreyn. They are separated by the Sandá River. The town proper has a population of 13,089 (2017), and the greater urban area a population of 21,000. The Norse established their parliament on the Tinganes peninsula in AD 850. Tórshavn thus became the capital of the Faroe Islands and has remained so ever since. All through the Middle Ages the narrow peninsula jutting out into the sea made up the main part of Tórshavn. Early on, Tórshavn became the centre of the islands' trade monopoly, thereby being the only legal place for the islanders to sell and buy goods. In 1856, the trade monopoly was abolished and the islands were left open to free trade.
timezone Time UTC+01
currency Currency DKK
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Faroese, Danish

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