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Where to stay in Putrajaya

More About Putrajaya

“A pink mosque coloring the surface of water”

Putrajaya, officially the Federal Territory of Putrajaya (Malay: Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya), is a planned city and the federal administrative centre of Malaysia. The seat of government was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya because of overcrowding and congestion in the former. Kuala Lumpur remains Malaysia's national capital and is the seat of the King, the Parliament, and all the foreign embassies, and the country's commercial and financial centre. Putrajaya was the idea of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. It became Malaysia's third Federal Territory, after Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, in 2001. Named after the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the territory is entirely enclaved within the Sepang District of the state of Selangor. Putrajaya is also a part of MSC Malaysia, a special economic zone that covers Klang Valley. In Sanskrit, "putra" means "prince" or "male child", and "jaya" means "success" or "victory". The development of Putrajaya started in the early 1990s; today, major landmarks have been completed and the population is expected to grow in the near future.
timezone Time UTC+08
currency Currency MYR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Bahasa Melayu, English, Chinese , Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Putrajaya are The Everly Putrajaya, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Le Meridien Putrajaya.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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