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Where to stay in Port Harcourt

More About Port Harcourt

Port Harcourt (Ikwerre: Ígúọ́cha; Pidgin: Po-ta-kot) is the capital and largest city of Rivers State, Nigeria. It lies along the Bonny River and is located in the Niger Delta. As of 2016, the Port Harcourt urban area has an estimated population of 1,865,000 inhabitants, up from 1,382,592 as of 2006.The area that became Port Harcourt in 1912 was before that part of the farmlands of the Diobu village group of the Ikwerre, an Igbo sub-group . The colonial administration of Nigeria created the port to export coal from the collieries of Enugu located 243 kilometres (151 mi) north of Port Harcourt, to which it was linked by a railway called the Eastern Line, also built by the British.In 1956 crude oil was discovered in commercial quantities at Oloibiri, and Port Harcourt's economy turned to petroleum when the first shipment of Nigerian crude oil was exported through the city in 1958. Through the benefits of the Nigerian petroleum industry, Port Harcourt was further developed, with aspects of modernization such as overpasses, city blocks, taller and more substantial buildings. Oil firms that currently have offices in the city include Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron.There are a number of institutions of tertiary education in Port Harcourt, mostly government-owned. These institutions include, Rivers State University, University of Port Harcourt, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Ignatius Ajuru University and Rivers State College of Health Science and Technology. The current Mayor is Victor Ihunwo. Port Harcourt's primary airport is Port Harcourt International Airport, located on the outskirts of the city; the NAF base is the location of the only other airport and is used by commercial airlines Aero Contractors and Air Nigeria) for domestic flights.
timezone Time UTC+01
currency Currency NGN
volt Voltage 240V
lang Languages English, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Fulani

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Port Harcourt are GrandVenice Hotel and Suites, Royal Charlin Hotel and Suites, The Good House PHC.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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