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Where to stay in Koper

More About Koper

Koper (Slovene pronunciation: [ˈkoːpəɾ] ( listen)) (Italian: Capodistria, Croatian: Kopar) is the fifth largest city in Slovenia. Located in the southwestern part of the country, approximately five kilometres (3.1 miles) south of the border with Italy and 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Trieste, Koper is the largest coastal city in the country. It is bordered by the satellite towns of Izola and Ankaran, and anchors the Istrian region. With a unique ecology and biodiversity, it is considered an important national natural resource. It is the oldest recorded urban settlement in Slovenia. The city's Port of Koper is the major contributor to the economy of the eponymous city municipality. With only one percent of Slovenia having a coastline, the influence that the Port of Koper also has on tourism was a factor in Ankaran deciding to leave the municipality in a referendum in 2011 to establish its own. The city is a destination on a number of Mediterranean cruising lines. In 2016, the city expects 65 cruise ship arrivals (for example: Norwegian Spirit, MSC Magnifica, Norwegian Jade, MS Rhapsody of the Seas...) with the season spanning from March to December. Koper is the main urban centre of the Slovenian Istria, with a population of about 25,000.The city of Koper is officially bilingual, with both Slovene and Italian as official languages. Sights in Koper include the 15th-century Praetorian Palace and Loggia in Venetian Gothic style, the 12th-century Carmine Rotunda church, and the Cathedral of St Nazarius, with its 14th-century tower. Koper is also one of the main road entry points into Slovenia from Italy, which lies to the north of the municipality. The main motorway crossing is at Spodnje Škofije to the north of the city of Koper. The motorway continues into Rabuiese and Trieste. Koper also has a rail connection with the capital city, Ljubljana. On the coast, there is a crossing at Lazaret into Lazaretto in Muggia municipality in Trieste province. The Italian border c
timezone Time UTC+02
currency Currency EUR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Slovenian, Serbo Croatian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Koper are Hotel Bio, Hostel Museum, B&B Veneziana Suites & Spa.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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