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Where to stay in Hamburg

More About Hamburg

“A city that lets you relax”

Hamburg (English: ; German: [ˈhambʊɐ̯k] ( listen); Low German: Hamborg [ˈhambɔːç] ( listen); officially: Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg; German: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg; Low German: Friee un Hansestadt Hamborg) is, with a population of roughly 1.8 million people, the second-largest city of Germany after Berlin, the eighth-largest city in the European Union, as well as the union's largest city which is not one of its member states' capital cities. It is one of Germany's 16 federal states, surrounded by the states of Schleswig-Holstein to the north, and Lower Saxony to the south, and is the largest city of Northern Germany. The city's metropolitan region is home to more than five million people. Hamburg lies on the River Elbe and two of its tributaries, the River Alster, which forms two large lakes within the city, and the River Bille. It is the third-largest German-speaking city after Berlin and Vienna, and the largest city in the Low German dialect area. The official name reflects Hamburg's history as a member of the medieval Hanseatic League, a free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire, a city-state and one of the 16 states of Germany. Before the 1871 Unification of Germany, it was a fully sovereign state. Prior to the constitutional changes in 1919 it formed a civic republic headed constitutionally by a class of hereditary grand burghers or Hanseaten. The city has repeatedly been beset by disasters such as the Great Fire of Hamburg, exceptional coastal flooding and military conflicts including World War II bombing raids. Historians remark that the city has managed to recover and emerge wealthier after each catastrophe. Situated on the Elbe river, Hamburg is home to Europe's second-largest port and a broad corporate base. In media, the major regional broadcasting firm NDR, the printing and publishing firm Gruner + Jahr and the newspapers Der Spiegel and Die Zeit are based in the city. Hamburg remains an important financial center, the seat of Germany's o
timezone Time UTC+02
currency Currency EUR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages German

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Hamburg are Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Radisson Blu Hotel Hamburg, Scandic Hamburg Emporio.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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