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Where to stay in Flic en Flac

More About Flic en Flac

Flic-en-Flac (Creole pronunciation: [flikɑ̃flak]) is a small seaside town on the western part of the island of Mauritius in the district of Black River.The name most likely comes from an Old Dutch phrase, "Fried Landt Flaak", meaning free, flat land. Its public white sandy beach is one of the longest on the island. This public beach attracts local families and visitors during the weekends, picnics, sand sports such as football or volleyball, and swimmers. Its lagoon is protected by the surrounding coral reefs. The beach provides scenic views over the Indian Ocean horizon and of Le Morne Brabant Peninsula located in the south west of Mauritius. Flic-en-Flac is near Tamarin beach which is situated a few kilometres away. The Casela Bird Park near Flic-en-Flac features orchids, over 140 species of birds and the endemic and endangered rare pink pigeon. Flic-en-Flac is in a non-industrial part of Mauritius, with a coastline of about 13 kilometres (8.1 mi). It is geared towards tourism with many luxury hotels in Mauritius, experiencing about 500,000 visitors yearly. Spread over 10 square kilometres (3.9 sq mi) of Flic en Flac, it hosts about 4 square kilometres (1.5 sq mi) of sugarcane plantations. The town has River Rempart to its south, a La Ferme Reservoir to its northeast, and a groundwater flow which provides freshwater spring to marshes and lagoons near the town.The beach erosion and corals near Flic-en-Flac have been the subject of several studies on global climate change. According to Sachooda Ragoonaden, the sea-level rise is causing a shoreline retreat of 2.7 metres (8.9 ft) per year near Flic-en-Flac. The Mauritius government has built gabions to address this erosion, but the subsequent tidal damage has raised concerns about its quality and stability.The resident youth culture in Flic-en-Flac is quite similar to those found in the beach towns of neraby Reunion, Seychelles and Tamatave (Madagascar).
timezone Time UTC+04
currency Currency MUR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages English, Creole, Bojpoori, French

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