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Where to stay in Dehiwala

More About Dehiwala

Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia (Sinhalese: දෙහිවල-ගල්කිස්ස Dehiwala-Galkissa, Tamil: தெஹிவளை-கல்கிசை), population 245,974 (2012) is the largest suburb of the City of Colombo, and covers an extent of 2109 hectares. It lies south of the Colombo Municipal Council area and separated from it by the Dehiwala canal which forms the northern boundary of DMMC. Its southern limits lie in Borupana Road and the eastern boundary is Weras Ganga with its canal system and including some areas to its east (Pepiliyana, Gangodawila and Kohuwala). This town has extensive population and rapid industrialization and urbanization in recent years. It is home to Sri Lanka's National Zoological Gardens, which remains one of Asia's largest. Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila and Colombo Airport, Ratmalana are some important landmark in this area. Dehiwela-Mount Lavinia and Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte being two large suburban centers of the city of Colombo function together as one large urban agglomeration in the Region (Western Province). The overspill from the City in residential and commercial uses of land have rapidly urbanised these suburban centers. Dehiwela-Mount Lavinia and Sri Jayawardenpaura along with Colombo Municipal Council form the most urbanized part of the core area of the Colombo Metropolitan Region. Dehiwala and Mount Lavinia lie along the Galle Road artery, which runs along the coast to the south of the country.
timezone Time UTC+06
currency Currency LKR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Sinhala, Tamil, Englishis

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Dehiwala are Silvikris Villa, Fair View Hotel Colombo, Highbury Colombo.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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