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Where to stay in Antalya

More About Antalya

“Where the Gods vacation”

Antalya (Turkish pronunciation: [ɑnˈtɑljɑ]) is the fifth-most populous city in Turkey and the capital of its eponymous province. Located on Anatolia's southwest coast bordered by the Taurus Mountains, Antalya is the largest Turkish city on the Mediterranean coast with over one million people in its metropolitan area.The city that is now Antalya was first settled around 200 BC by the Attalid dynasty of Pergamon, which was soon subdued by the Romans. Roman rule saw Antalya thrive, including the construction of several new monuments, such as Hadrian's Gate, and the proliferation of neighboring cities. The city has changed hands several times, including to the Seljuk Sultanate in 1207 and an expanding Ottoman Empire in 1391. Ottoman rule brought relative peace and stability for the next five hundred years. The city was transferred to Italian suzerainty in the aftermath of World War I, but was recaptured by a newly independent Turkey in the War of Independence. Antalya is Turkey's biggest international sea resort, located on the Turkish Riviera. Large-scale development and governmental funding has promoted tourism. A record 12.5 million tourists passed through the city in 2014.
timezone Time UTC+03
currency Currency TRY
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages Turkish, Kurdish, Dimli, Azeri, Kabardian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Antalya are Liberty Hotels Lara, Akra Hotel, Sealife Family Resort Hotel.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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