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Where to stay in Almaty

More About Almaty

“A city where the calm and cool air sets”

Almaty (Kazakh: Алматы, translit. Almaty [ɑlmɑˈtə]; Russian: Алматы [ɐlmɐˈtɨ]), formerly known as Alma-Ata (Russian: Алма-Ата) and Verny (Russian: Верный Vernyy), is the largest city in Kazakhstan, with a population of 1,797,431 people, about 8% of the country's total population. It served as capital of the Kazakh state in its various forms from 1929 to 1997, under the influence of the then Soviet Union and its appointees. Alma-Ata was the host city for a 1978 international conference on Primary Health Care where the Alma Ata Declaration was adopted, marking a paradigm shift in global public health. In 1997, the government relocated the capital to Astana in the north of the country, which is about 12 hours away by train. Almaty continues as the major commercial and cultural centre of Kazakhstan, as well as its most populous and most cosmopolitan city. The city is located in the mountainous area of southern Kazakhstan in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau at an elevation of 700–900 m (2,300–3,000 feet), where the Large and Small Almatinka rivers run into the plain.The city has been part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the area of music since November 2017.
timezone Time UTC+06
currency Currency KZT
volt Voltage 220V
lang Languages Kazak, Russian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Almaty are Hotel Kazzhol Almaty, Rahat Palace Hotel, InterContinental Almaty Hotel.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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